

Konstanter Wechsel zwischen...
Liebe und Hass, Realität und Illusion, Taten und Träumen, Musik und Kunst
Dies verbunden mit einem Hauch an Poesie und sinnlosem Gedankenchaos. Willkommen :)

Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012


Nur wieder empor nach dem Sturz aus der Höhe! 
Entweder fällst du dich tot 

oder es wachsen dir Flügel.

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

By your side

Hey, hey

Every day, boy
it's the same
Starin' at you, I kiss your eyes
and you taste like the burning sun

Every day you
catch my breath
You wanna make me feel
like the sweetest fruit that tastes like

ice cream

And I say uhh
And i wanna mhhh,
I want to stay here
for a while
by your side

I mean If I could
and you'd believe in me
I want to stay here
for a while
by your side

I write songs about your eyes
and dream the day away
but I can't sleep
I just play my guitar
and get so weird

And I say uhh
And i wanna mhhh,
I want to stay here
for a while
by your side

I mean If I could
and you'd believe in me
I want to stay here
for a while
by your side

New song by Leo :3

Sonntag, 13. Mai 2012


Danke K.p, Mansour, Johnny und Daniel für diesen perfekten Tag.